Monday, November 20, 2006

Quoting the Quotes - 2

A honey bee visits 2 Million flowers to collect just 500mg of honey. So our workload is nothing compared to them. Keep working SMART.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Adsense login problem

Last few weeks I had trouble logging into my adsense account. I was accessing adsense account after a long time. Everytime I tried logging, there was an error message saying "Welcome! You're signed in to Google Accounts under the email [e-mail id] and your Google Account password, but this is different from your AdSense account email and/or password. If you're an AdSense publisher, try signing in using your AdSense email and password. Or, sign up for AdSense."

I was sure that my e-mail id & password was right, so It was kind of frustrating to see not being able to log into the account. Today, i was able to log in. So what was the problem?

Though I use Gmail id as username for the Adsense account, the password I had assigned for the adsense account was differenet from the one I used to log into my gmail account i.e. same email id but different passwords for gmail and adsense.

At adsense home there was no link to retrieve the Adsense password and that was the problem.

I thought many would encounter the same problem, so this post could be helpful if you have a similar problem.

If you know your email id associated with adsense account but forgot the password, use the link to receive your password.

You may also check this link from Adsense Help.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quoting the Quotes - 1

Ocassionally I come across few quotes that I want to pass it on to others. What else could be the best way than having it in my blog. And let me know if you like it (and if you don't like it too.)

If the first thing you do every morning is to eat a live frog, nothing worse will happen to you all day.
The meaning is that you maintain momentum by tackling your most difficult and important problem first thing in the morning.

Hmm.. Sounds interesting, but i hate problems.